Ahosan Habib


Senior Web Developer

We, at WebSolutionBD, I’ve a team of true professionals who strive to create websites that impress not only our clients but Google too. Our skill lies in connecting to the client, understanding the requirements thoroughly, doing the design research, and keeping the client informed throughout the entire client relationship.

Professional Skills

Completely evisculate stand alone expertise through revolutionary strategic are theme areas fashion impactful paradigms for process centric relationships with whiteboard seamless intellectual capital with methods.
Software Development
Software Development 50%
CMS Development
CMS Development 75%
Website Design
CMS Development 100%
WooCommerce 80%

Job Experience

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.

Business Expert

2016 - Present (Finbiz)

Finance Manager

2014 - 2015

Junior Technician

2016 - Present

Junior Architect

2016 - Present

Recent Portfolio:

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